HAZMAT Operations
(NFPA 1072, 2017 Edition)
This course is a 40-hour training program for emergency response personnel or company personnel that may have hazardous materials risk within their respective field of work. The course curriculum is in accordance with the NFPA 1072 (2017 Edition), Hazardous Materials First Responder at the Operations Level (Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents) and focuses the critical hazardous materials knowledge. This course includes the Personal Protective Equipment Mission Specific Competency and Product Control Mission Specific Competency (as additional certification). This course is Pro Board and IFSAC dual accredited, providing internationally recognized certification for emergency response professionals, industrial fire brigade members or company personnel. Delegates must undergo an examination and skills evaluation, which if completed successfully will result in Pro Board and IFSAC Certification.
40 hours (5 days)
Pre-Requisite Training
HAZMAT Awareness (NFPA 1072)
Topics covered
Identifying Potential Hazards
Identifying Containers and Predicting Behavior
Identifying Action Options
Incident Management, Response Objectives, and Action Options
Terrorist Attacks, Criminal Activities, and Disasters
Personal Protective Equipment