Fire Fighter I & II
(NFPA 1001, 2019 Edition)
This 480-hour training program is for persons seeking to become professional emergency responders. The course curriculum is in accordance with the NFPA 1001 (2019 Edition), Fire Fighter I & II (Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications) focusing on knowledge and skills a professional emergency responder requires. This course is Pro Board and IFSAC dual accredited, providing internationally recognized certification for emergency response professionals. Delegates must undergo examination and skills evaluation, which if completed successfully will result in Pro Board and IFSAC Certification.
12 weeks (480 hours)
Pre-Requisite Training
NFPA 472 HAZMAT Awareness & Operation
​HAZMAT Operations (Specialty PPE & Product Control)
Topics covered
Industrial Fire Brigade Organization and Responsibilities
Orientation and Fire Service History
Fire Fighter Safety and Health
Fire Behavior
Building Construction
Fire Fighter Personal Protective Equipment
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Ropes and Knots
Rescue and Extrication
Forcible Entry
Ground Ladders
Water Supply
Fire Hose
Fire Streams
Fire Control
Fire Detection, Alarm, and Suppression Systems
Loss Control
Protecting Fire Scene Evidence
Fire Department Communications
Basic Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Care for Firefighters
Introduction to Hazardous Materials
Operations at HAZMAT Incidents
Fire Hose, Nozzle, and Appliance Types and Use
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Fire Detection and Signaling Systems
Fixed Fire Extinguisher Systems
Hazard Recognition
Incident Management
Loss Control